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受訪人:Upstream公司負責人Louden Owen

Upstream是一家專注于知識產權投資管理咨詢,戰(zhàn)略投資組合開發(fā)和專利運營的公司。IPRdaily有幸采訪到Upstream的負責人Louden Owen。Louden Owen是位職業(yè)風險投資家和律師,是他迫使微軟把word文檔的后綴由.doc改成了.docx。


Upstream公司負責人Louden Owen

Loudon Owen 簡介

Loudon Owen是多倫多大學·文學士、法國楓丹白露·歐洲工商管理學院工商管理碩士、奧斯古法學院·法學博士以及知識產權雜志社I Am所列全球300名世界知識產權戰(zhàn)略家之一。



Loudon 也擔任商業(yè)投資公司McLean Watson 和Owen Corp 的主席。他同時也是多倫多McLean Watson投資公司的創(chuàng)始合伙人;


Owen先生目前是Upstream Partner的創(chuàng)始合伙人,如今UpstreamPartner在知識產權投資及咨詢領域所獲頗豐。


IPRdaily: Could you please share with our readers a brief overview of what you are currently focusing on?

您好,Louden Owen先生,此次有機會采訪到您倍感榮幸。您可否和IPRdaily的讀者們分享一下Upstream以及您目前正在專注的事情?

Louden Owen:Our passion is simple. We believe intellectual property is the engine driving the global economy and creating positive change. As a consequence of this profound belief, we are committed to protecting the rights of inventors and intellectual property owners.


Upstream invests in, and provides advice on, intellectual property (IP). Our focus is on high value patent portfolios, typically with industrial or commercial applications. We are approached by many of the world’s leading universities and research organizations, as well as by inventors and of course corporate clients, to help them at various stages of the IP monetization business.

Upstream主要從事兩個方面的業(yè)務。 一方面我們投資知識產權(IP),另一方面我們提供咨詢意見。我們的投資和服務重點是高價值的專利組合,通常是工業(yè)或商業(yè)應用。許多世界領先的大學,研究機構, 發(fā)明家以及企業(yè)客戶都會找到我們,以幫助他們處于知識產權貨幣化各個階段的業(yè)務。

This ranges from assisting in developing national and international patent filing or prosecution strategies, performing IP landscapes regarding the current and future market, doing valuations, licensing analysis and negotiations and of course enforcing patent infringement. We are perhaps best known for monetizing IP that is infringed by way of litigation.  

我們的服務范圍涉及很廣, 包括協(xié)助制定國內和國際專利申請或起訴策略,對于當前和未來的市場進行知識產權專利景觀分析,對知識產權進行估值,許可分析和談判,當然還包括專利侵權的執(zhí)法。我們最著名的也許是對侵權進行訴訟而獲利從而實現知識產權貨幣化。

At any point in time, we are involved in a 5-10 significant monetization programs, most of which have some component of litigation. Typically, but not exclusively, we assist the plaintiffs. Currently we are also helping to assemble vertical market patent pools which are extremely concentrated in particular industries with high demonstrated value or rapid growth.

在任何時候,Upstream都有5-10個重要的貨幣化計劃同時進行,其中大部分都有訴訟參與。通常而言, 而非絕對的,我們協(xié)助原告人一方。目前,我們還在幫助組裝垂直市場專利池,這些專利池高度集中在具有高現值或快速增長的特定行業(yè)。

A major current initiative is assisting several large, international clients analyze and enter the Chinese markets seeking either to release products or enforce patents. In addition, we are working with Chinese clients who seek assistance in designing global strategies.

我們目前的一個主要舉措是協(xié)助一些大型國際客戶分析和進入中國市場, 以期尋求發(fā)布產品或實施專利。此外,我們也正在與一些尋求協(xié)助設計全球戰(zhàn)略的中國客戶合作。

IPRdaily: In the regard of patent monetization and patent investment and financing, what is your specific mode of operation?


Louden Owen:Patent monetization spans an enormous range of activities so we have developed a formula and practice that allows us to focus first and foremost on deep analysis in several areas. As a fundamental step, typically we assess the value of any patent including how important it is and how well positioned it is competitively. We determine if there are other proactive strategies to build and enhance the patent itself, or related technologies and property rights that can augment its value.


Assuming we have taken whatever steps we can to help increase its value, we determine the optimum licensing and monetization strategy. Litigation is  necessary if parties using patented innovation are unwilling to pay license fee voluntarily. Accordingly, our go-forward strategy development inevitably considers our options ranging from friendly licensing, enforcement or litigation as needed, and of course ongoing ways of co-venturing to develop joint ongoing development programs so we not only monetizing existing patents but developing new patent rights collectively.

假設我們采取了任何可能的步驟來幫助提高價值的,我們可以確定最佳的許可和貨幣化策略。在專利創(chuàng)新的使用者不想主動的支付合理的許可費時, 訴訟就是必要的了。因此,我們的前瞻性戰(zhàn)略制定上一定會考慮到我們的可有選擇,包括友好許可, 執(zhí)法或訴訟(如果需要的話),當然還有持續(xù)的合作方式來共同開發(fā)的發(fā)展計劃,因此可以說, 我們不僅可以幫助現有的專利進行貨幣化, 也同時開發(fā)新的專利權。

We are quite unique because we have both an interdisciplinary team and financial resources. As a result, we are able to fund and manage cases ourselves. However some larger companies are not able to work on that basis so we are flexible in how we work with our inventors and partners. While we will consider working on the basis of fees, our preference is either to be motivated by performance and success. This can include receiving equity interests in companies we assist, particularly where they are in hyper-growth sectors.


IPRdaily:Could you please introduce your team?


Louden Owen:We are very proud to have assembled a world-class team. Most importantly, we have a uniquely interdisciplinary group of partners and associates. Our core team includes two longstanding patent strategists who have been directly involved as valuation and legal experts in some of the most important and significant patent cases ever. The licensing and strategic group is based both in the USA and Canada. We also have team members who were at the forefront of developing the field of patent analytics and specifically patent landscaping, including lawyers who were the foundation of the patent monetization industry. Our patent analytics is based in California. Because the financial dimensions of this business are so vital, we also have a very prominent and innovative investment banker who has a quarter century of history in developing innovative products and structures. Our team includes not only specialists but also what we would refer to as generalists who design key strategies and lead negotiations.


In addition, we have an important array of industry or domain experts we rely upon. Many of these experts have been the most senior intellectual property managers in companies that are global leaders. We also have access to industry thought leaders, particularly at universities and research centres.


Naturally, we work with the best supporting professionals in the industry, including top law firms. This industry is somewhat unusual because of its reliance on the legal community, and we have invested a substantial amount in analyzing which law firms are the leaders.


IPRdaily:Both domestic and abroad, patent industry is not quite balanced, let’s say patent technology monetization alone, how can we achieve a relatively balancing situation?


Louden Owen:There is often an imbalance between parties in negotiations or litigation. One can easily imagine the enormous power of a global leader with billions in sales versus the relatively small power a university committed to higher learning. We refer to this as an asynchronous or imbalanced situation. Our responsibility is to even the playing field and ensure that our clients can negotiate, litigate and work with any organization or any size or importance without being disadvantaged. Even the largest companies in the world have limitations on amount of capital that they invest in each case, by having a dedicated pool of capital for patent litigation, we can often match the financial resources that a large company which allocates to an individual case. Moreover, while industry giants can afford tremendously capable and motivated professionals and managers, we are driven by a passion for achieving fairness that attracts a different breed of expert and professional.

談判或訴訟中各方之間經常存在不平衡。 人們可以輕而易舉地想象一個全球領導者的巨大力量,銷售數十億美元,而大學致力于高等教育其力量相對較小。 這種情況我們稱之為asynchronous或不平衡的情況。 我們的責任是平衡這種狀況,確保我們的客戶能夠和任何組織(不論大小和重要性)進行談判, 訴訟和工作, 而不會因為對方的大小或者重要性因而處于不利地位。 即使是世界上最大的公司,他們分配到每一個案例的資本也是有限的,所以當我們有專門用來打官司的基金, 我們可以很輕易的和大公司分配到每個案件的資金相配。 此外,雖然行業(yè)巨頭可以負擔得起能力強大的專業(yè)和管理人員,但我們的激情是為了達到公平,而這種熱情可以吸引到不同行業(yè)的專家和專業(yè)人士。

IPRdaily:If Chinese growing technology companies wish to do a patent layout overseas, do you have any better suggestions for them?


Louden Owen:For any growing Chinese company looking to patent overseas, or indeed any growing company with global as aspirations, we always recommend achieving a clear strategy. Some of the most dynamic companies are also some of the most impatient enterprises, and instead of starting with a careful and thoughtful plan. As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War so many years ago, preparation determines victory on the field of battle.

對于任何正在尋求海外專利的中國公司,或任何一家放眼全球的成長型公司,我們始終建議在一開始就制定明確的戰(zhàn)略。 一些最具活力的公司同時也是一些最不耐煩的企業(yè),他們欠缺從始開始的細心周到的計劃。 正如孫子許多年前的在孫子兵法中所說,做好充足的準備,方能知己知彼, 百戰(zhàn)不殆。

IPRdaily: It is said that you have invested more than 800 projects over the past 20 years, which were very successful. Those projects all took patent as a starting point. Therefore, you get a lot of praise of the industry. Are any typical cases you could share with us? How many percent of Chinese companies' cases are?


Louden Owen:We respect the confidentiality of clients and partners so we tend to be very discreet about referring to individual situations or cases. The vast majority of our work is on patent portfolios. The first call we often receive is simple. The partner or client typically believes they can own an enormous percentage of a growing industry but is concerned with its patent portfolio, and they need to find the best people in the world to help them build and execute a strategy.


As one example, I was responsible for one case (i4i vs. Microsoft), from the original analysis, through all the steps of building the case, and then through trial, appeals and disputes at the US Patent and Trademarks Office. Ultimately, we went the Supreme Court of the United States where we prevailed. As a result, we were awarded the largest award ever affirmed by the Federal Circuit Court of   Appeals and the Supreme Court, which resulted in a payment to use of over $315 million (USD).


Historically we have not had significant investment in Chinese cases because the licensing fees and recoveries have been limited. However, we are particularly excited by the growth and changes in the Chinese market. Two developments are propelling our interest. First, the Chinese economy has been so creative, dynamic and successful that many companies that are world class leaders and innovators are now based in China. This provides a rich resource of intellectual property, especially at companies in China are filing patents at an unprecedented pace.  It also includes the patent office itself (SIPO) and its related institutions demonstrating both creativity and vision that has enabled the growth in information and opportunities. Second, the Chinese patent system itself has also evolved at such a rapid pace that it provides increasingly interesting opportunities to invest resources and, in our view, China will represent a true epicentre of, and increasingly important building block on a global scale for, the world’s most important intellectual property development in the coming years.

從歷史上看,我們沒有對中國案件進行大量投資,主要是由于中國許可費和追償金額有限。不過,我們對中國市場的增長和變化感到特別興奮。兩項發(fā)展推動了我們的興趣。首先,中國經濟的創(chuàng)造性,能動力和成功,帶來了許多世界級的領導者和創(chuàng)新者的公司。這提供了豐富的知識產權資源,特別是在中國的公司以前所未有的速度申請專利。它還包括中國專利局(SIPO)本身及其相關機構所展示出的創(chuàng)造力和愿景,促進了信息的增長和大量的機會。第二,中國專利制度本身也發(fā)展迅速,為投資提供了越來越多的有趣的機會,我們認為,中國將成為全球范圍內真正的知識產權中心,是全世界知識產權版圖中的重要一塊。 在未來發(fā)展的幾年, 中國的地位會越來越重要, 中國的發(fā)展將帶來世界上知識產權發(fā)展。

IPRdaily:It is said that many customers around the world will go directly to the United States to consult with you. As a Canadian, compared to Americans, what do you think your advantage to do business in USA?


Louden Owen:We are fortunate to have started with a very international perspective and team. As a Canadian who represented Canadian companies in some of the most important cases in history, international companies often ask us about how to approach the US market. Candidly, some companies are extremely interested in how we have achieved such success in the US both in business and in the court system. Our advantage and approach is simple, when you are going to any competitive market, first you must prepare. Second you prepare. Third, you prepare. We do not let our clients take anything for granted. In our experience, the US market and indeed its court system, is both well developed and fair. But to take advantage of it, you have to be prepared to negotiate and compete with some of the most brilliant, capable and strategic minds in the world.

我們很幸運地有一個非常國際化的視野和團隊。 作為加拿大人,我代理了加拿大公司參與了歷史上最重要的一些案例。 國際公司也經常問我們如何接近美國市場。 坦率的說,有些公司對于我們如何在美國市場和法律系統(tǒng)方面取得如此成功非常感興趣。 我們的優(yōu)勢和方法很簡單,當你面對競爭激烈的市場時,首先你必須做好準備。 第二你必須做好準備。 第三,你必須做好準備。 我們不會讓我們的客戶對任何情況都認為是理所當然的。 根據我們的經驗,美國市場和其法院制度既發(fā)達又公平。 但要利用這一點,你必須準備與世界上最聰明,最有能力和戰(zhàn)略性的專業(yè)人士進行談判和競爭。

IPRdaily:With many clients consulting with you, how do you judge whether a technology is valuable?


Louden Owen:It may be surprising but one of our first tests is the people. Who is behind the innovation and who is our client. We only work with world leaders, both in terms of technology and thought leadership. While a single patent portfolio may be the opportunity we are reviewing, it often takes decades to conclude a business so we need to know the quality, reputations and capabilities of the people we are working with are top notch.

我的回答可能會令你吃驚,但是我們首先測試的是“人”這個因素 - 誰在創(chuàng)新的背后,誰是我們的客戶。 我們只與世界在技術和思想方面的領頭人合作。 雖然單個專利組合可能是我們正在審查的機會,但了解總結一個公司通常需要幾十年時間,因此我們需要知道我們正在合作與工作的人員的質量,聲譽和能力是一流的。

From a technical point of view, we assess all sorts of inputs, including historical use, sources of the innovation, conventional valuations based on applicable royalty rates and the level of importance of the innovation. Naturally we assess the quality and validity of any patent, as many if not most patents are now challenged as a matter of course by parties who simply do not want to enter into, or respect, fair licensing practices. Naturally we also investigate infringement and use by third parties.

從技術角度來看,我們評估各種投入,包括歷史使用,創(chuàng)新來源,基于適用的特許使用費率的常規(guī)估值,以及創(chuàng)新的重要程度。 當然,由于一些當事人不愿意參與和尊重公平許可的做法, 大多數專利現在都受到挑戰(zhàn),我們會評估任何專利的質量和有效性. 自然而然我們也會調查第三方的侵權和使用。

IPRdaily:What are your expectations for the future of the Chinese market? And what are your plans for the future of your company?


Louden Owen:As we discussed earlier, China is at the forefront of many exciting developments. We feel that the impressive innovations not only in growth industries but also in the field of intellectual property itself must be respected and appreciated. The Chinese market is going to be a pivotal market for us during the next stage of our own growth. We intend to grow our business in China to ensure we continue to be the leading international organization for the monetisation of intellectual property globally.

正如我們前面討論的那樣,中國處于許多令人興奮的發(fā)展的前沿。 我們認為,不僅在增長行業(yè),而且在知識產權領域,令人印象深刻的創(chuàng)新都必須受到尊重和贊賞。 中國市場將在我們自己成長的下一個階段成為我們的關鍵市場。 我們打算在中國發(fā)展業(yè)務,以確保我們繼續(xù)成為全球知識產權貨幣化的領先國際組織。


編輯:IPRdaily 趙珍  /   校對:IPRdaily   縱橫君











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