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《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活


“《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》英文國際期刊就人工智能這個熱門話題與商湯科技聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人、首席科學家、絕影智能汽車事業(yè)群總裁王曉剛進行了深入交流,探討了商湯的科研新成果與未來發(fā)展方向,近距離感受到了國內(nèi)人工智能的成長?!?/strong>


《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》英文國際期刊

A Talk with Wang Xiaogang at SenseTime: Leverage leading AI for good

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活


The advent of AI starts a new chapter of human civilization. Gradually AI has become a new arena where businesses compete for dominance. Characterized by sophistication, convenience, intelligence, efficiency, and technology, the modern and promising AI industry is changing people’s lives.


After a remarkable 4-1 victory in 2016 when AlphaGo, a computer Go program, defeated the 9-dan professional and world champion Lee Sedol, AI startups have sprung up around the world. Backed by its team of top scientists and strong technological strength, SenseTime has survived the cut-throat competition in the AI industry and turned into a leading intelligent software vendor in Asia within less than a decade.


One of the core technologies of AI, machine vision provides tremendous technological support for the implementation of China’s smart manufacturing strategy. SenseTime’s founding team has specialized in computer vision for over 20 years. Their continuing input in this field has translated into an extensive portfolio of original technologies and enabled the company to grab the opportunities for fundraising amid the wave of AI commercialization in China. On December 30, 2021, SenseTime was successfully listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange and became the first AI company to go public in China. This demonstrates investors’ confidence in and expectations of the value of hard & core technology.


According to SenseTime’s 2021 annual report, its four business domains, namely Smart Business, Smart City, Smart Life, and Smart Auto, all achieved revenue growth over the past year. Autonomous driving technology has been a long-term focus of SenseTime’s research effort to reach the technology frontier in the driverless era. In 2021, SenseTime launched SenseAuto—an intelligent automotive application platform—to commercialize its full line of products, including smart pilot system, smart cabin system, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) system, L4 autonomous driving system, and autonomous minibus system. SenseTime will leverage the SenseAuto platform to harness the power of AI to meet the demands of people and industries by providing convenient solutions for urban traffic management, logistics and transport, and traveling.

近期,《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》英文國際期刊就人工智能這個熱門話題與商湯科技聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人、首席科學家、絕影智能汽車事業(yè)群總裁王曉剛進行了深入交流,探討了商湯的科研新成果與未來發(fā)展方向,近距離感受到了國內(nèi)人工智能的成長。

Recently, IP PEOPLE had an in-depth conversation on AI with Wang Xiaogang, Co-founder and Chief Scientist at SenseTime, and President of SenseAuto Business Unit. During the interview, Dr. Wang shared the latest R&D outcomes and future direction of SenseTime, and the AI development in China.

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《IP PEOPLE》 Issue 1

Editor:Wei Lyu

訪談摘錄 Interview excerpts

《IP PEOPLE》:商湯科技目前已經(jīng)是行業(yè)領先的人工智能軟件企業(yè),在智慧商業(yè)、智慧城市、智慧生活和智能汽車四大核心業(yè)務板塊均已處于業(yè)內(nèi)領先地位,您認為商湯得以快速成長保持高質(zhì)量發(fā)展的主要原因是什么?

IP PEOPLE: SenseTime has become an industry-leading AI software provider, and the four core business domains—Smart Business, Smart City, Smart Life, and Smart Auto—are all among the best in the industry. What is the main reason behind SenseTime’s rapid and high-quality development?

王曉剛:得益于中國大力促進科技創(chuàng)新以及數(shù)字基礎設施的建設,AI 技術與實體經(jīng)濟正不斷加速融合,給了包括商湯在內(nèi)的人工智能企業(yè)廣闊的應用空間、場景。商湯在創(chuàng)立之初完成了最重要的原始人才積累,如今亦完善了人才造血機制,創(chuàng)始團隊很早就持續(xù)專注于人工智能計算機視覺領域,如今已超過20年。過去4年,商湯累計研發(fā)投入超80億人民幣。持續(xù)的投入,讓商湯在這一領域積累了眾多原創(chuàng)技術能力,并能夠更好的預判并抓住市場機遇。

Wang Xiaogang: Thanks to China’s big efforts to stimulate technological innovation and develop digital infrastructure, AI technology is integrating with the real economy at an increasingly fast pace. This has provided AI companies, including us, with enormous opportunities and scenarios for technology application. We formed teams essential to our business when we founded SenseTime and have gradually improved the talent cultivation system. Our founding team has been focusing on computer vision for more than 20 years so far. In the past four years, we invested RMB 8 billion in R&D. The ongoing input allows us to accumulate original technological capabilities, and better forecast and grab the market opportunity.

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《IP PEOPLE》:商湯一直以“堅持原創(chuàng),讓AI引領人類進步”為使命,其中的“原創(chuàng)”應該怎樣理解呢?

IP PEOPLE: “To create a better AI-empowered future through innovation” has been SenseTime’s mission. What does “innovation” mean to SenseTime?


Wang Xiaogang: We decided to pursue innovation to push the boundaries of the industry in the early days of our company. AI has scaled up efficiency in many industries and is evolving at a very fast speed. We would gain a competitive edge over others if we innovate faster than they copy us, and innovation is achieved with talent, tools, and coverage of user scenarios. If we can accomplish that, we would be able to utilize the time that our rivals need to catch up with us to plan for our business. Innovation brings incremental value. Our achievement has validated our choice of technology innovation.

《IP PEOPLE》:商湯的研發(fā)投入逐年增加,研發(fā)成果的取得十分不易,在保護科技創(chuàng)新成果方面,商湯采取了哪些措施?

IP PEOPLE: SenseTime’s investment in R&D has increased year by year. What has SenseTime done to protect the hard-won technological innovations?


Wang Xiaogang: As an AI company, we protect our innovations through different intellectual property (IP) rights, such as patent, software copyright, trademark, trade name, and know-how. We believe in the power of IPR to maintain market order and crack down on malicious infringement. With increasing investment in R&D and IP year by year, the number of our annual patent applications and that of patent licenses we grant have increased by more than 100% for five consecutive years, which offered effective protection of our innovations in overseas markets.


To create an atmosphere that encourages and protects innovation, we give rewards worth over RMB 10 million each year to inventors or designers of innovations. In addition, we have established a reporting system to collect infringement evidence and ensure the effectiveness of our IP protection.

《IP PEOPLE》:截至2021年底,商湯的全球?qū)@Y產(chǎn)累計11,494件,較2020年底增長了96%,請問是怎樣的契機致使專利得到了如此大幅的增長呢?

IP PEOPLE: As of the end of 2021, SenseTime had 11,494 global patents, a 96% increase compared to 2020. What triggered such a significant increase in patents?


Wang Xiaogang: It is a result of SenseTime’s tremendous effort in technological R&D and IP protection. In 2021, we ramped up investments in R&D and expanded our R&D team, yielding more innovations and intellectual properties. With further improvement of the IP protection system and innovation incentive mechanism, our IP team dug deeper into our innovations and made effective plans for their development. As a result, the innovation efficiency has significantly improved. In 2021, we made great breakthroughs in overseas market expansion and substantially increased investment in patent portfolio planning overseas, which also contributed to the surge in the number of patents.


The number looks good, but it is never our goal. In fact, we attach more importance to the quality and effective protection of IP than quantity. We are committed to building a high-quality patent portfolio by rigorously evaluating and screening the innovations to make them more patentable and make it easier to detect infringements, and by strengthening the organization and value assessment of granted patents.

《IP PEOPLE》:發(fā)明專利占比高達78%,這在商湯的商業(yè)發(fā)展中有起到怎樣的作用嗎?

IP PEOPLE: With 78% of the patents being inventions, what role has this played in SenseTime’s business development?


Wang Xiaogang: Primarily, a high proportion of SenseTime’s products and services are software and algorithms, which render them to be patented as inventions. A few years ago, the percentage of invention patents was even higher, hitting nearly 90%.


However, this is not what we are after. We aim at using IP as an effective business weapon through reasonable planning for the company’s patent portfolio. Continuing to expand our product range and explore IP protection practices, we will make strategic planning for the utility model and design patent portfolios when necessary, in order to ensure adequate protection of various types of products. It is easy to identify infringing utility model and design patents, and we will make full use of this to defend our IP. This demonstrates the maturity of our product series and IP protection policy.

《IP PEOPLE》:您一直領導人工智能產(chǎn)業(yè)方面的落地,在創(chuàng)新成果轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)閷嶋H應用的過程中,商湯有遇到哪些問題?是否有值得參考借鑒的經(jīng)驗分享呢?

IP PEOPLE: You have been leading SenseTime’s AI development. What challenges have you encountered during the transformation of innovations into practical applications? Could you share your experience?

王曉剛:人工智能從原創(chuàng)研究到產(chǎn)業(yè)的成功落地,本身就非常依賴于產(chǎn)學研的相互作用與密切配合。商湯對于“AI的長期發(fā)展離不開前沿技術的持續(xù)研究”有著深入的認識。我們與 50 多所高校建立了合作,同時建立了15個校企聯(lián)合實驗室,來打造“產(chǎn)學研”協(xié)同模式,將實驗室的學術研究課題與產(chǎn)業(yè)應用中的實際問題相結合,不僅打通了技術創(chuàng)新到產(chǎn)業(yè)應用之間的橋梁,更實現(xiàn)人才從學術研究到應用研究的一體化培養(yǎng)。

Wang Xiaogang: The development of AI, from original research to product creation, depends heavily on industry-university-research cooperation. Highly aware of the fact that “the sustainable development of AI would be impossible without the continuous research on cutting-edge technology”, SenseTime has formed partnerships with more than 50 universities and established 15 joint laboratories for industry-university-research collaboration. By associating the research topics in laboratories with practical problems in industrial applications, we have built a bridge between technological innovation and industrial application, and enabled talent training that combines academic research and applied research.


Based on our original technologies and insight into the market, we have created a unique model, namely “1 (basic research) + 1 (products and solutions) + X (industry)”. Specifically, we keep bringing research breakthroughs to industries in need, and industries’ growing demands for more advanced technology will prompt researchers to keep expanding the frontier of knowledge. As a result, a virtuous circle is formed to inject vitality into the intelligent transformation of industries.

《IP PEOPLE》:商湯科技在2021年登榜全球智能駕駛專利Top10,也推出了商湯絕影智能汽車平臺,那么在智能汽車領域,您認為商湯的主要競爭優(yōu)勢在哪里?

IP PEOPLE: In 2021, SenseTime was ranked among the top 10 global intelligent driving patent holders and launched SenseAuto, an intelligent automotive application platform. What is the main competitive advantage of SenseTime?


Wang Xiaogang: The smart auto industry is undergoing a transformation from “manufacturing” to the “manufacturing + service” model. To make automobiles more intelligent, all parties in the industry chain need to work closely to figure out how to use technologies to enable intelligent application scenarios for automobiles in a cost-effective manner. Backed by its research experience and industry-leading full-stack AI capabilities, SenseAuto leverages the SenseCore AI infrastructure to integrate algorithms, computing power, and platforms, drastically reducing the cost of factors of production in AI and enabling efficient, low-cost AI innovation and implementation at scale.


SenseAuto now leads the industry in AI productivity, with a full range of products developed, namely SenseAuto Pilot, SenseAuto Cabin, SenseAuto RoboX, SenseAuto Connect and SenseAuto Empower. A sound testing and data accumulation system has taken shape. Furthermore, SenseAuto can be integrated with other business domains of SenseTime. For example, SenseAuto debuted the world’s first AR-powered self-driving minibus at the 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference.

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活


Through cooperation with many leading auto companies at home and abroad, SenseTime has gradually mastered the entire technical process of auto makers and quality standard system, laying a solid foundation for further technology implementation. By 2021, we signed contracts with more than 30 automobile companies, and we have been selected as the supplier to pre-install our SenseAuto products for more than 23 million automobiles.

在智能汽車領域,健全的質(zhì)量體系意味著行車安全、交互流暢。絕影自2016年開始探索智能汽車領域以來,不斷執(zhí)行嚴苛的質(zhì)量管理,2016年,商湯率先通過ISO9001認證;2019、2020年先后通過ASPICE CL1和CL2等級認證,是亞洲最早拿到ASPICE認證的AI平臺公司。

In the smart auto industry, a robust quality system can ensure safe driving and enable seamless interactions. SenseAuto has maintained strict quality management since it ventured into the smart auto industry in 2016. SenseTime got the ISO 9001 certification in 2016, and was certified with ASPICE CL1 and CL2 in 2019 and 2020 respectively, making it the first AI company in Asia to obtain the ASPICE certification.


In the first quarter of 2022, we upgraded our organizational structure and established the SenseAuto Business Unit. We will step up our efforts to develop the smart auto business and stay committed to developing SenseAuto into the most influential AI-powered platform and leading the intelligent transformation of the automobile industry.

《IP PEOPLE》:在AI領域,人才是各國各大企業(yè)都持續(xù)爭奪的重要資源。據(jù)了解,商湯科技的研發(fā)人才隊伍占員工總數(shù)的70%,在科技企業(yè)中已經(jīng)是相當高的占比數(shù),那么對于研發(fā)人才,商湯科技是如何建設人才體系,激發(fā)創(chuàng)新活力的呢?

IP PEOPLE: Talent has always been an important resource that AI companies around the world scramble for. We have learned that SenseTime’s R&D team accounts for 70% of the total number of employees, which is a rather high percentage among tech companies. So, how does SenseTime develop R&D teams to stimulate innovation?


Wang Xiaogang: Talent development has been a top priority of SenseTime since day one. We invest a lot of resources to build a training system that fits the career development paths and the life cycle of employees. To support employees’ career advancement, our career development center provides professional training programs for employees at different stages and in different positions. For talent hired through campus recruitment, we offer various training programs such as AI Pilot and AI Pioneer, and integrate general training with on-the-job training to help employees improve their job competency. For new hires recruited through other means, we provide various online learning programs and offline centralized training.


We organize a team of top experts to develop mini-courses in various disciplines, which, along with the general training and soft skills courses taught by experts, can comprehensively enhance the capabilities of employees. Besides, we have designed a leadership development system for managers at different levels based on SenseTime’s leadership models and abundant internal and external resources. We have also developed an online learning platform. By continuously empowering employees, we strive to build a learning organization in the new era and promote the development of employees and the company.

《IP PEOPLE》:人工智能是目前全球科技界最炙手可熱的名詞之一,眾多全球科技巨頭都在AI領域投入了巨大的研發(fā)力度。在您看來,目前中國的AI技術發(fā)展在全球來看處于怎樣的水平?

IP PEOPLE: AI is currently one of the top buzzwords in the tech world. Many global tech giants have made tremendous investments in the R&D of AI. How would you characterize China’s AI development when it is benchmarked against the highest level in the world?

王曉剛:從整個人工智能發(fā)展歷史來看,雖然中國屬于后來者,但在諸多政策的積極推動下,國內(nèi)人工智能呈現(xiàn)出基礎技術研究發(fā)展迅速、人工智能研究人群快速擴大等特點。以商湯為例,從量化產(chǎn)出來看,截至 2021 年底,商湯累計擁有 11494 件全球?qū)@Y產(chǎn),相較于 2020 年底增長 96%,其中 78% 為發(fā)明專利。同時,作為創(chuàng)新副產(chǎn)品,商湯團隊發(fā)布了600多篇計算機視覺深度學習的頂尖論文,全球排名第一。

Wang Xiaogang: Although a latecomer in AI development, China has introduced a series of policies to support the development of AI. The AI industry in China is characterized by rapid growth in basic technology research and fast expansion of the group of AI researchers. Take SenseTime for example. In terms of quantitative output, we had 11,494 global patents as of the end of 2021, a 96% increase compared to 2020, of which 78% were invention patents. SenseTime has published more than 600 top papers on deep learning for computer vision (the “by-products of innovation”), ranking first among companies around the world.


In terms of AI technology implementation, the huge domestic market provides favorable conditions for “AI+”—the integration of AI and industries—and generates considerable needs for AI applications. Nonetheless, we should realize that we still fall short of systematization, basic theory, and original innovation, and that we still fall behind our peers overseas in the hardware ecosystem and AI technology toolchain.

《IP PEOPLE》:我們未來還需要繼續(xù)做出哪些努力?

IP PEOPLE: What efforts should we continue to make in the future?


Wang Xiaogang: We should uphold long-term thinking, take seriously the development of key talent, and underline the originality of research. Bringing together top talent and maintaining a talent pool is essential to the development of China’s AI innovation. We should also explore application scenarios and use existing applications to drive the development of original technology. The Chinese market can quickly adopt new technologies and applications, and spawn new demands for scenarios within a short time. As we facilitate the application of a technology, we would generate more demands for further advances in the technology.

《IP PEOPLE》:多年前您曾說過,AI會給人類帶來新機會,發(fā)展至今,您覺得未來AI技術還將會如何影響人類?

IP PEOPLE: Years ago, you said that AI would bring new opportunities to humanity. And as the industry evolves, how will AI technology impact humanity in the future?


Wang Xiaogang: Through the joint efforts of academia, enterprises, government, and other relevant parties in the past few years, AI is rapidly penetrating into manufacturing and people’s everyday life, driving numerous intelligent transformations. Based on AI infrastructure and breakthroughs in big data technology, AI has accelerated our pursuit of truth. It is the AI-enabled change in the innovation paradigm that has freed humans from their dependence on self-awareness for the first time.


We should also notice that technological innovation often comes from the demolition of existing knowledge. It is, therefore, necessary to set rules for technological development, establish an ethical framework for technology, and guide the direction of development to stimulate technological innovations that bring positive changes.


If we want AI to bring universal benefits, inclusiveness, and fairness, we must substantially reduce the cost of the factors of production, so that resources such as education and healthcare that were previously not accessible can be made available to the whole society in a better, more affordable, and fairer manner. At the same time, we must care for the disadvantaged. Only in this way can we use technology to better benefit all human beings and leverage AI for the greater social good.

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

"Record those who has made remarkable contributions to Intellectual Property"



        《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》英文國際期刊

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《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活

《知產(chǎn)人物 IP PEOPLE》對話商湯絕影王曉剛:科技領航,AI普惠生活



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首席知識產(chǎn)權官 世界知識產(chǎn)權日 美國專利訴訟管理策略 大數(shù)據(jù) 軟件著作權登記 專利商標 商標注冊人 人工智能 版權登記代理 如何快速獲得美國專利授權? 材料科學 申請注冊商標 軟件著作權 虛擬現(xiàn)實與增強現(xiàn)實 專利侵權糾紛行政處理 專利預警 知識產(chǎn)權 全球視野 中國商標 版權保護中心 智能硬件 新材料 新一代信息技術產(chǎn)業(yè) 躲過商標轉(zhuǎn)讓的陷阱 航空航天裝備 樂天 產(chǎn)業(yè) 海洋工程裝備及高技術船舶 著作權 電子版權 醫(yī)藥及高性能醫(yī)療器械 中國專利年報 游戲動漫 條例 國際專利 商標 實用新型專利 專利費用 專利管理 出版管理條例 版權商標 知識產(chǎn)權侵權 商標審查協(xié)作中心 法律和政策 企業(yè)商標布局 新商標審查「不規(guī)范漢字」審理標準 專利機構排名 商標分類 專利檢索 申請商標注冊 法規(guī) 行業(yè) 法律常識 設計專利 2016知識產(chǎn)權行業(yè)分析 發(fā)明專利申請 國家商標總局 電影版權 專利申請 香港知識產(chǎn)權 國防知識產(chǎn)權 國際版權交易 十件 版權 顧問 版權登記 發(fā)明專利 亞洲知識產(chǎn)權 版權歸屬 商標辦理 商標申請 美國專利局 ip 共享單車 一帶一路商標 融資 馳名商標保護 知識產(chǎn)權工程師 授權 音樂的版權 專利 商標數(shù)據(jù) 知識產(chǎn)權局 知識產(chǎn)權法 專利小白 商標是什么 商標注冊 知識產(chǎn)權網(wǎng) 中超 商標審查 維權 律所 專利代理人 知識產(chǎn)權案例 專利運營 現(xiàn)代產(chǎn)業(yè)
本文來自于iprdaily,永久保存地址為http://tjjsmcc.com/article_31735.html,發(fā)布時間為2022-07-18 10:25:29


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