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強(qiáng)化知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)海關(guān)執(zhí)法。省內(nèi)海關(guān)開展“龍騰2023” 、出口轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)貨物 “凈網(wǎng)行動(dòng)”、寄遞渠道“藍(lán)網(wǎng)行動(dòng)”等知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù)專項(xiàng)執(zhí)法行動(dòng),開展杭州亞運(yùn)會(huì)和亞殘運(yùn)會(huì)知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù)專項(xiàng)行動(dòng)。2023年省內(nèi)海關(guān)實(shí)際查扣侵權(quán)商品15766批次、數(shù)量3314萬件,貨值超人民幣2億元。海關(guān)總署廣東分署組織省內(nèi)海關(guān)與香港、澳門海關(guān)共同開展3次知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)海關(guān)保護(hù)聯(lián)合執(zhí)法行動(dòng),行動(dòng)期間省內(nèi)海關(guān)共查獲涉嫌侵權(quán)貨物2825批次,合計(jì)220萬件。
































































In 2023, Guangdong consistently followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, faithfully studied and implemented the guiding principles from the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on comprehensively strengthening intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and the guiding principles from the important speeches and instructions during his inspection tour of Guangdong, fully implemented the “1310” Development Scheme proposed by the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, and complied with the work requirements of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government in vigorously implementing thePlan for the Construction of an Intellectual Property Power Country(2021-2035), the Directive Calling forIntensified Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, and the National Plan for Protection and Application of Intellectual Property Rights for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period. In particular, the province coordinated implementation of the IPR strategy, strengthened the law-based IPR protection, improved the whole-chain IPR protection mechanism, and stepped up the effort in making Guangdong into a demonstration province for the country’s IP power and a world-class IP province within the Greater Bay Area (Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area).


I. High-Level Overall Planning and Promotion of IPR Protection


The overall planning for IP has been strengthened. Both the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government attached great importance to IPR protection. Huang Kunming, Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, emphasized that IPR must be viewed from an overall and strategic perspective and Guangdong must adhere to the guidance of developing a demonstration province for the country’s IP power, comprehensively strengthen the IPR protection to ensure the implementation of new development philosophy, the creation of a new development pattern, and the promotion of high-quality development. The provincial government convened executive meetings to study and deploy IP-related work, and held conferences with the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), to jointly promote Guangdong’s development of world-class GBA (the Greater Bay Area) IP province and building of national IPR protection demonstration area. The work conference was convened for the comprehensive reform of the China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City. The Guangdong Provincial People’s Government and CNIPA jointly issued the Implementation Plan for theComprehensively PilotReform of Application and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (2023-2027)to promote the construction of a world-class IPR ecosystem demonstration system.


Legal support for IPR has been enhanced. The province has established a local legal system guided by comprehensive legislation on IPR and supported by separate legislation on patents, copyrights, geographical indications, technology secrets and others. The province issued the Interpretation of Regulations of Guangdong on IPR Protection and the Interpretation of Regulations of Guangdong on Geographical Indication (GI), and published the Introduction and Interpretation of Regulations of Guangdong on Copyright to promote the implementation of local IPR regulations. The Department of Justice of Guangdong issued the 2023 Plan and Responsibility List for Improving Legal Awareness, and collaborated with the government’s legislative outreach offices to raise public awareness of legislation and law. The High People’s Court of Guangdong Province issued the country’s first data-related judicial policy document on strengthening judicial protection of data elements IPR to serve high-quality development of digital economy.


Exemplary demonstrations of IP have been reinforced. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) worked with 10 cities including Guangzhou and Shenzhen regarding to jointly develop city’s comprehensive IPR strength, worked with Heyuan, Meizhou, and Zhanjiang to jointly develop specialized cities with IPR strength,and promoted the construction of IPR counties. The province has 10 national IPR pilot demonstration cities, 21 IPR pilot demonstration counties, and 8 IPR pilot demonstration zones. Guangzhou and Shenzhen were included in the first batch of national demonstration cities for IPR protection and the first batch of national pilot cities for the construction of standardized IPR public services. Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City were among the first batch to be included in the CNIPA’s list of local pilots for data IPR protection and passed the acceptance inspection. The province has built 4 national pilot zones for commercial secret protection innovation, 16 pilot zones for the Golden Inner Bay Trade Secret Protection Innovation Program, and 1 foreign-related trade secret protection base. Shenzhen Qianhai Research Institute for Intelligent Copyright Innovation and Development passed the final evaluation by National Copyright Administration of China as a pilot specialized at “blockchain + copyright” innovative application.


IP serves the development of the Greater Bay Area. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) signed the Guangdong-Macao IPR Cooperation Agreement (2023-2025)with the Economic and Technological Development Bureau of Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and worked with the Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to accelerate the implementation of co-operation programs. A total of 410 Guangdong-Hong Kong, Guangdong-Macao co-operation programs were held. IP authorities of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao hosted the 5th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Intellectual Property Trade Expo and International Geographical Indications Products Trade Expo, the 5th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area High-value Patent Portfolio Layout Competition, and the 1st Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong) High-value Trademark and Brand Cultivation Competition. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Sub-forum of the Business of IP Asia Forum was held in Hong Kong for the first time. The Guangdong/Hong Kong Intellectual Property (IP) and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Seminar was held in Huizhou. The Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou Technology Cluster has been ranked second in the Global Innovation Index for four straight years. Guangdong launched 17 enquiry points for Hong Kong SAR IP business, and Hong Kong set up electronic mailbox for handling enquiry for IP business in Chinese mainland. The province supported the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin and the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone in building demonstration zones for the ecosystem of the IPR creation, protection and application, supported Nansha, Guangzhou in building “one platform and three centers” for IPR and facilitated the development of a higher-level IPR protection system in Shenzhen Hetao.


II. Strict Judicial Protection for IPR


Guangdong has fully leveraged the role of judicial function in IPR. In 2023, 91,000 IP cases were accepted and 95,000 cases were concluded by courts in the province. 53,000 cases were withdrawn through mediation, with a withdraw rate of 57.4%. Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court alone accepted 14,000 cases and concluded 14,200 cases, including 11,200 patent dispute cases and 426 foreign/Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan-related cases. 62 intellectual property cases in the province were subject to punitive damages, with the highest awarded damages of 317 million yuan. Four cases of Guangdong were included in the 2022 Top 10 IPR Protection Cases and Top 50 Typical Cases of IPR Protection from Courts. Three cases of Guangdong were included in the 2023 Guiding Cases released by the Supreme People’s Court of China.


Law-based procuratorial functions in IPR protection have been strengthened. In 2023, prosecutorial bodies of Guangdong approved to arrest 1,156 suspects in 800 IPR infringement cases, and prosecuted 2,061 suspects in 1,155 IPR infringement cases. Guangdong strengthened targeted supervision of IPR civil litigation. Prosecutorial bodies of Guangdong accepted 577 cases of civil IPR case supervision, delivered procuratorial advice of retrial of 498 IP related cases to the courts, and lodged protest in 3 IP related cases. Prosecutorial bodies of Guangdong filed and handled 30 cases of IPR-related public interest litigation. The province contributed 1 case to the second batch of Typical Cases of Construction of an Intellectual Property Power Country issued by the Office of Inter-departmental Joint Meeting on the Implementation of National IP Strategy of the State Council of China, and 2 cases to the Typical Cases of IPR Protection issued by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China.


IPR infringement crime has been cracked down upon. The police of the province have carried out special actions such as “Kunlun 2023” and “Blue Sword”. Crimes of IPR infringement and of production and sale of counterfeit and Shoddy Products were the key targets of the “Summer Action”, “1+N” and “Eagle Strike” and other special actions. The police cracked down on all kinds of counterfeit and shoddy crimes related to people’s livelihood and made every effort to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the public and enterprises. In 2023, 1,926 cases of IPR infringement were filed, 1,678 cases were solved, 1,648 criminal dens were destroyed, and 4,870 criminal suspects were arrested in the province.


III. Enhancement of IPR Administrative Protection


Administrative law enforcement for IPR protection has been strengthened. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Law Enforcement and Business Guidance of IPR Protection in the New Era, carried out special actions such as the 2023 “Iron Fist” action to investigate and handle cases in the field of people’s livelihood, the “Escort 2023” special action for the administrative protection of IPR in key markets, and the “Qingyuan” action for geographical indication protection, which investigated and handled 4,005 IPR-related administrative penalty cases, and transferred 184 cases to judicial organs. Guangdong contributed 3 cases to the 2022 Typical Cases of IPR Administrative Protection, and 1 case to the State Administration for Market Regulation’s Typical Cases of IPR Law Enforcement this year. Guangdong successfully held the main venue of the 2023 National Unified Action to Destroy Infringing, Counterfeit, and Shoddy Goods, in which the province destroyed 1,379.9 tons of infringing, counterfeit and shoddy goods with a value of 380 million yuan. The province’s cultural market law enforcement authorities handled and concluded 2,432 relevant cases. The province launched special actions against counterfeiting of agricultural materials, with 1,762 cases investigated and 121 cases transferred to judicial authorities according to the law. Guangdong contributed 2 cases to the Top 10 Typical Cases of National Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement in Agriculture for “Stable Food Supply” by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China. The province comprehensively deployed special law enforcement action for the protection of new varieties of forestry plants, and carried out over 300 law enforcement actions. The province accelerated the construction of databases for comprehensive administrative law enforcement at both provincial and municipal levels, and promoted the APP of “Guangdong Law Enforcement” for IPR law enforcement. In particular, 473 IPR law enforcement authorities and more than 25,000 law enforcement officers in Guangdong used the “Guangdong Law Enforcement” app handling a total of 4,419 cases.


Administrative adjudication has been vigorously strengthened. The province handled 9,686 cases of patent infringement disputes, with administrative ruling on 1,344 cases and administrative opinions on 8,342 cases. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation issued The Measures for the Management of IPR Administrative Protection Technical Investigators. The Patent Examination Cooperation Guangdong Center of the Patent Office, CNIPA handled 129 patent infringement determination consultation opinions. Four cases of pilot demonstration construction for administrative adjudication on patent infringement disputes in Guangdong Province were promoted by CNIPA.


Administrative law enforcement and regulation for copyright has been strengthened. The province filed and investigated a total of 286 copyright infringement cases; carried out special action for the movie copyright protection at cinemas, the youth copyright protection action, the “Jianwang 2023” special action, and the “Qinglang special action for internet environment improvement for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games”, and contributed 2 cases to the first batch of typical cases released by the National Youth Copyright Protection Seasonal Special Action.


Customsenforcement for IPR protection has been strengthened. The customs in Guangdong carried out a series of special actions for IPR protection, such as the “Longteng Action 2023”, the “Jingwang Action”,“Lanwang Action” on exported goods, transshipment and posting goods, as well as special action of customs protection on IPR for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games. In 2023, customs in Guangdong seized 15,766 batches of infringing goods, with the quantity of 33.14 million items and the value of more than 200 million yuan. The Guangdong Sub-Administration of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) and the customs of Hong Kong and Macao jointly launched 3 special actions of customs protection of IPR, with 2,825 batches of 2.2 million items of IPR-infringing goods seized.


IPR protection in key areas has been strengthened. Guangdong conducted 354 publicity campaigns on IPR protection for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games, and handled 10 related case clues. Three commodity trading markets in the province were approved to be cultivated as national standardized markets for IPR protection. Guangdong facilitated major platform enterprises in to implement the national standard – the Intellectual Property Protection and Management for E-commerce Platforms. High-standard IPR protection was deployed for the 133rd and 134th sessions of China Import and Export Fair (the Canton Fair). Guangdong supported Canton Fair in undertaking CNIPA’s pilot program of patent evaluation reports sharing for e-commerce platforms.


IV. All-round Promotion of Coordinated IPR Protection


The coordinated IPR protection mechanism has been improved. The province gave full play to the role of the Guangdong Provincial Joint Conference on Intellectual Property Strategy Implementation, and promoted the implementation of the Memorandum on Strengthening the Coordinated Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Guangdong. Fifteen authorities including the High People’s Court of Guangdong Province jointly signed the Memorandum of Cooperation on Strengthening Credit Supervision on Acts of Bad Faith of Infringing Intellectual Property Rights. Guangdong deepened the “three-in-one” reform that combining IPR civil, administrative and criminal trials in one tribunal. The High People’s Court of Guangdong Province, the People’s Procuratorate of Guangdong Province, and Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department established the joint conference mechanism for the criminal judicial protection of IPR. In 2023, courts in Guangdong witnessed the highest rate of cases withdrawn through mediation in five years. Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court established the mechanism of “administrative mediation + judicial confirmation” with 11 prefecture-level administrations for market regulation including Guangzhou Administration for Market Regulation. The province established 13 state-level IPR protection center/fast IPR service centers, 16 provincial level sub-centers, 10 IPR protection assistance agencies and 217 stations at prefecture/county-level, which accepted 47,800 preliminary examination applications and 11,600 IPR protection cases throughout the year.


Cross-regional protection cooperation has been deepened. The province held the event of IPR Protection Collaboration among 12 Provinces and Municipalities, at which the MOU on the Establishment of the IPR Administrative Protection Alliance of Twelve Provinces and Municipalities to Optimize the National Unified Market for Innovation and Entrepreneurshipwas signed. The people’s courts of Nansha District of Guangzhou, Qianhai District of Shenzhen and Hengqin New District of Zhuhai signed the Framework Agreement on Establishing a Collaborative Mechanism for Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights. The “N+4+2” Judicial Rules of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao were included in the Best Cases of Institutional Innovation in China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone. The public security bureaus, procuratorates, and courts of 10 cities including Zhuhai jointly signed a document adopting the principle of “criminal jurisdiction following civil and administrative jurisdiction” to be in line with the “three-in-one” reform.


The mechanism of diverse IP dispute solving has been improved. The province issued provincial standards for IPR protection assistance, and established the Guangdong Intellectual Property Protection Center, a public service platform that integrated IPR protection means such as dispute resolution, online arbitration, and online notarization. The High People’s Court and 10 relevant departments of Guangdong Province jointly built an integrated platform of intelligent services for coordinated IPR protection. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) and Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court jointly built the Guangdong IPR Dispute Resolution Center, which successfully mediated 3,887 cases. In 2023, the province had established 133 people’s mediation organizations for IPR disputes, which handled 5,500 IPR cases throughout the year. 11 arbitration institutions in the province dealt with 576 IPR arbitration cases with subject amount of approximately 770 million yuan. Guangzhou Arbitration Commission’s “Using Multiple Measures to Improve International, Intelligent and Digital Arbitration for IPR Disputes” case was selected by the State Council as a typical case of Construction of an Intellectual Property Power Country. Guangzhou Arbitration Commission’s case of resolution of foreign-related disputes via the ODR platform was selected for the Top Three Guiding Cases of Arbitration by the Ministry of Justice of China and the Top 30 Excellent Practice Cases of New Foreign Trade Business Formats by the Ministry of Commerce of China. The province improved the multi-technical fact-finding mechanism of “technical investigators + technical consultants + technical experts” by which 2,283 cases were handled. Guangdong introduced new service models of “Industrial Chain + Notarization” and “Internet + Notarization”, as well as information products such as “Cloud Notary” platform, “Cun Zheng Tong” (a platform for electronic data storage and collection) and “Yun You Tong” (a platform for online mail delivery). Notary institutions in Guangdong dealt with over 40,000 IPR protection notarization cases. The “Nation’s First ‘Crowd-sourced Content Distribution Network’ IPR Protection Notarization” from the Shenzhen Luohu Notary Office was selected as one of the top 10 typical cases of notarization in China in 2022.


V.Emphasis on High-Quality IPR Development


Guangdong keeps taking lead in IPRkey indicators. In 2023, 703,700 patents from Guangdong were granted, of which 143,100 were invention patents. 23,700 applications for PCT international patents, and 790,500 trademark registrations were from Guangdong. Strategic industrial clusters in the province contributed 88,500 granted invention patents. By the end of 2023, Guangdong was home to 317,900 high-value invention patents, 281,300 applications for PCT international patents, and 8,439,900 valid trademark registrations. Guangdong ranked first in the country by means of mentioned above. 282 patents from Guangdong won the 24th China Patent Award, of which 8 won the Gold Award, ranking first in the country by means of award-winning patents amount.


In 2023, 329,300 copyright registrations were made in the province including 54,900 non-computer software works registrations and 274,400 computer software works registrations. The number of computer software works registrations ranked first in the country.


In 2023, the province received 422 new applications for new varieties of agricultural plants (the cumulative applications reached 2,552), and made 257 new grants for new varieties of agricultural plants (the cumulative grants reached 1,083) and 47 new grants for new varieties of forestry plants (the cumulative grants reached 284).


Patent navigation decision-making mechanism has been improved. Nine departments including the Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) issued the Implementation Plan for Utilizing the Patent Navigation Decision-making Mechanism to Support the “Manufacturing Industry as the Pillar” Strategy and released the country’s first local standard – the Patent Navigation Work Guide in the Digital Era. The province built a total of 12 national-level patent navigation service bases and patent navigation project support & service institutions.


Breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields have been made. Guangdong used diversified approaches to incentivize the cultivation of a number of original and fundamental patents, focusing on strategic and major projects such as chip design and manufacturing, industrial software, and display manufacturing equipment. In order to enhance innovation capabilities in basic research areas, Guangdong launched a 10-year action plan of “Guangdong Excellent Basic Research Program (Zhuoyue)” and “2023 Guangdong ‘Flagship’ Major Program for Basic Research and Applied Basic Research”.


The construction of manufacturing innovation system has been accelerated. Guangdong has cultivated 7 batches of 40 provincial-level manufacturing innovation centers, and completed the layout of innovation centers in 15 cities across the province, covering 17 strategic industrial clusters such as new generation electronic information and high-end equipment. The province had 5 approved national-level manufacturing innovation centers, ranking first in the country in number; cultivated 1,621 provincial-level enterprise technology centers and 64 national technological innovation demonstration enterprises.


The construction of scientific and technological innovation platforms has been vigorously promoted. The province established a diversified and high-level laboratory system supported by Pengcheng Laboratory, Guangzhou Laboratory and other provincial laboratories, national key laboratories, provincial key laboratories and joint laboratories; promoted the construction of the Greater Bay Area National Center of Technology Innovation and 2 field-based national centers of technology innovation; advanced the high-quality development of 277 provincial-level R&D institutions which served up to 23,000 enterprises and produced 59.396 billion yuan in revenue in terms of innovation commercialization.


TheIP quality of innovative entities has been improved. The province built a total of 455 high-value patent cultivation and layout centers. Guangdong also published pilot programs for the implementation of international standards for innovative management of IPRs, with 865 enterprises being approved to join the pilot program. Now there are 1,243 national demonstration entities and 10 national IP pilot demonstration universities in Guangdong.


Guangdong has thoroughly implemented the trademark and brand strategy. The province co-organized the 13th China Trademark Festival and coordinated the establishment of 38 new trademark and brand guidance stations to enhance corporate capabilities in trademark and brand value protection and utilization; ensured protection of the branded IPs for the “Three Projects” including “Cantonese Chef”, “Guangdong Technician”, “Nanyue Housekeeper”, with 43 related trademarks registered. The “Huimin Nanyue Housekeeper” trademark opposition case was selected into the CNIPA’s 2022 Top 10 Typical Cases of Trademark Opposition and Appeals.


VI. Vigorous Promotion of High-Level IPR Commercialization and Application


Guangdong comprehensively promoted the commercialization and application of patents. Guangdong implemented the Special Action Plan for Patent Commercialization (2021-2023), with 21 cities in the province introducing special supporting policies for patent commercialization, and had established 43 IPR collaborative operation centers. The province promoted the patent open licensing and built the 1+N pilot information release platform for patent open licensing; achieved a total of 5,468 patent open licenses, with a total amount of 12.91 million yuan; initially established an expert database, a technology demand database and a supply chain database for the commercialization of university research findings. Six universities in the province won 14 awards in the 24th China Patent Award as primary contributors of the winning patents, and Guangdong ranked second in the country in total number of award-winning patents.


The construction of the platforms for IP commercialization has been strengthened. Guangdong built the “WisePlus Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Crowd-sourcing Platform”, and established online promotion platforms and offline display & service stations for innovative achievements of SMEs. Now 15 offline demonstration stations were established, with more than 3,300 innovative achievements being promoted. Supported by Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE), Guangdong built the SZSE Trading Center for Scientific and Technological Achievements and Intellectual Property to provide one-stop services for the trading, transfer and commercialization of scientific and technological achievements and IP. Ten authorities including the Health Commission of Guangdong Province deployed and implemented pilot projects jointly constructed by the CPC provincial committee and the provincial government to improve the high-level clinical research and achievements commercialization capabilities of hospitals.


The province utilized geographical indications to boost rural revitalization. Guangdong launched the First Geographical Indication Products Cantonese Souvenir Festival where the offline exhibition sales reached 11.26 million yuan; issued the Implementation Plan for the Development of Geographical Indication Industry in Guangdong and selected the first batch of 80 geographical indication products for cultivation. The province had a total of 163 products under geographical indication protection, 1,463 legal users for the special marks of geographical indication products, 10 geographical indications included in the list of mutual recognition and mutual protection of geographical indications between China and EU, and 6 national geographical indication product protection demonstration areas.


The province facilitated the IP finance innovation. Guangdong implemented the “Doubling Plan” for IP pledge financing, with the amount of patent and trademark pledge financing reaching 230.671 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 137.75%. The first Shenzhen-Hong Kong cross-border “N+1” IP securitization project was launched in Shenzhen; Shaoguan promoted the first IP securitization project for underdeveloped area in the country. Throughout the year, 20 new IP securitization products were issued, with a scale of more than 4.3 billion yuan.


The province launched the first Intellectual Property Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for Eastern, Western and Northern Guangdong. The first competition attracted 619 entries, including 35 overseas Chinese entries; produced 10 gold awards, 20 silver awards, and 20 excellence awards; formed 3 financing projects and 4 commercialization projects, with project investment and financing exceeding 1 billion yuan.


VII. Establishment of High-Standard IP Service System


The IP protection public service system has been optimized. Guangdong laid out the construction of 20 comprehensive IP public service agencies at municipal level, 2 of them listed as national IP information service center and 3 of them approved as WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) under construction. Guangdong has in total 6 TISCs, 6 university IP information service centers and 10 national IP information public service branches.


IP information and data supply capability has been raised. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao IPR Big Data Comprehensive Service Platform was officially launched and put into operation, integrating 15 categories of IP big data resources and 88 subject-based databases, collecting 166 million pieces of global patent data and more than 94 million pieces of trademark data. Guangdong improved the construction of the EUTMS, a registration-information inquiry system for trademarks registered in the European Union, with a total of 2.34 million pieces of EU trademark data processed into the system; launched new features of “Patent Search” and “Trademark Search” on the Yue Shang Tong platform APP, recording more than 400,000 patent and trademark mobile searches; built the Guangdong Province Data Intellectual Property Certificate Registration Platform to provide innovative entities with services such as data IP certificate registration, publicity, and issuance – as of the end of 2023, the platform had received a total of 96 data IP registration applications and issued certificates.


IP government serviceefficiency has been improved. The Guangzhou Agency and Shenzhen Agency of the Patent Office of CNIPA launched pilot programs of invention patent priority examination for applicants from Hong Kong and Macao, which allows all the process, including data collection, referral, review and submission to CNIPA, to be completed within one working day. Guangdong has 20 IP reception windows in total, three of which were trademark reception windows newly established in Shantou, Zhanjiang, and Chaozhou.


The province has been cultivating and developing IP service industry. Guangdong completed the patent agent examination in 2022 and 2023 and established a new examination center in Shenzhen. The subject-based attendance rate and average attendance rate in the Guangdong examination centers ranked first in the country. Guangzhou Development District and Futian District of Shenzhen were approved as demonstration zones of high-quality IP service industry cluster development, and Yuexiu District of Guangzhou was approved as pilot zone of high-quality IP service industry cluster development. Two foreign patent agencies were approved to set up permanent representative offices in Guangzhou Development District. By the end of 2023, Guangdong had 1,362 patent agencies and 4,781 practicing patent agents, and a total of 7,571 trademark agencies re-registered.


The province has strengthened regulation over IP agencies. Guangdong launched the Onsite Promotion Meeting and Joint Supervision of the “Lantian” Special Action regarding National IPR Agencies; comprehensively strengthened the supervision of IP agencies and practitioners, with the objects for inspection and the inspectors being selected randomly, and the inspection content and results being disclosed to the public in a timely manner; and carried out special spot checks on 1,061 IP agencies.


VIII. Active Participation in International IP Cooperation and Competition


Guangdong built a comprehensive system for IP protection overseas. Witnessed by the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the High People’s Court of Guangdong Province and the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center signed the Agreement concerning Cooperation on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the Area of Intellectual Property (IP). Guangdong Province took the lead in establishing overseas branches of IP protection public service agencies, including IP protection service workstations in Russia, Germany, and the United States, offering 252 pieces of overseas IP information and hundreds of consultations; held the Second Pearl River International Trade Forum-Forum on High Quality Development of IPR Protection and Trade. The China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC), the CCPIT Guangdong Committee, the Guangzhou Port Authority, and the Guangzhou Development Zone Management Committee jointly signed the Framework Agreement on Strategic Cooperation and promoted the establishment of the CMAC Greater Bay Area Arbitration Center (South China Sub-Commission) in Guangzhou. The province hosted the Guangzhou Roundtable of the 25th Meeting of the EU-China Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Working Group.


The province strengthened guidance for resolving overseas IP disputes. The Guangzhou Intellectual Property Protection Center was newly approved as the National Guidance Center for Handling Overseas Intellectual Property Disputes. The Guangdong Branch, Shenzhen Branch and Foshan Branch of the National Guidance Center for Handling Overseas Intellectual Property Disputes provided overseas IP risk investigation and FTO reports for 50 cross-border e-commerce companies and “one-on-one” guidance for more than 500 companies involved in IP litigations, 107 cases achieving positive results. During the 2022 assessment of local branches of National Guidance Center for Handling Overseas Intellectual Property Disputes, 3 branches in Guangdong Province ranked among the top 10, and Shenzhen Branch ranked first. The province also released the Information Brief on Overseas IPR Disputes of Guangdong Enterprises.


Guangdong enhancedoverseas IPrisk prevention and control. Insurance institutions in the province provided 1,830 companies with 143 overseas IP infringement liability insurance policies worth of 226 million yuan through the intellectual property insurance system. Guangdong Economic and Trade Friction Warning Center of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and other 34 IP risk warning centers released 240 issues of the Economic and Trade Friction Warning Information Bulletin with a total of 480 warnings.


Enterprises’awareness and capabilities of overseas IP disputes resolution have been improved. The province assisted CNIPA in organizing the Roving Seminar on the Hague System for the International Registration of Designs, and the Seminar on the Latest Developments in the Field of Trademarks; strengthened the analysis and judgment of IP frictions, case warning notifications and legal consulting services. In response to the IP friction risks related to electric passenger vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic products, Guangdong held the New Energy Vehicle Industry Development and SEP Policy Seminar; held the Special Seminar on Strengthening Legal Services Cooperation Between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to Promote the “Collaboration of Five Aspects”, the Forum on Foreign High-Quality Development of Foreign-Related Legal Services for Enterprises, the campaign of commercial legal service month, as well as the special event on foreign legal services themed “Enlightening Enterprises with Legal Services to Facilitate Steady Development of Guangdong”; implemented the provincial-level local standard – the International Compliance Management Specification for Enterprise Intellectual Property, and launched nearly 100 training sessions, salons and seminars on overseas IP protection.


IX. Creation of IP Cultural Environment with a High Starting Point


A strong social culture of IP was created in the province. Guangdong launched April 26 IP Publicity Week activities, released the White Paper on Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Guangdong, China in 2022, issued the Top 10 IP Events, the Top 10 IP Highlights, the IP Grassroots Reform and Innovation Measures, and a series of typical cases of IP administrative protection. The High People’s Court of Guangdong Province issued the White Paper on Judicial IPR Protection in Guangdong Courts for 14 consecutive years, and selected top 10 IP cases handled by the courts in Guangdong in 2022, which received positive social responses.


The province made efforts in IP talent development. The province implemented the IR platform construction under the seventh batch of the Special Support Plan of Guangdong Province for Cultivating High-Level Talent, and organized the selection of leading IP talent and top-notch young IP talent. The CCPIT Guangdong Committee and the CCPIT Commercial Legal Service Center jointly built the Guangdong Demonstration Base of Compliance Officer Training to cultivate IP compliance professionals. The province strengthened the construction of IP disciplines and programs in colleges and universities to cultivate talent with IP expertise. In Guangdong Province, 6 universities had offered IP programs with 978 undergraduate students, 6 universities had established IP schools, and 2 national IP training (Guangdong) bases had been established (affiliated to South China University of Technology and Shenzhen University respectively); held the 3rd GBA IP Talent Development Conference to further strengthen IP talent training.


編輯:IPRdaily辛夷          校對(duì):IPRdaily縱橫君




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